L o a d i n g


In this fast-paced digital era, having a strong online presence is crucial for any brand or business. A well-designed and functional website can be a powerful tool that enhances credibility, expands reach, and ultimately drives business growth. However, not all reasons for getting a website are created equal. In this blog post, we'll explore the right and wrong motivations behind investing in a website for your brand or business.

The Right Reasons:

01. Global Reach and Accessibility:

A website provides a 24/7 online storefront, allowing potential clients and customers from around the world to access your products or services anytime, anywhere.

° Quality Reference:

According to a survey by Statista, global e-commerce sales are expected to reach 6.54 trillion U.S. dollars in 2022. This staggering number underscores the potential reach your business can achieve with a well-designed website.

° Fun Fact:

Did you know that approximately 57% of consumers won't recommend a business with a poorly designed website?
(Source: Sweor)

° Case Study:

Take the example of Etsy, whose website redesign reflects how, over the last 16 years, the company has transformed from an online craft store to an e-commerce powerhouse with a $20 billion valuation and counting. In 2018, Etsy underwent a significant website redesign, focusing on improving the user experience, search functionality, and overall design. In 2020, Etsy doubled their revenue thanks to e-commerce, home redecoration and crafting booms, reaching their 2023 sales goal of $10.3 billion, a 106.7% jump from 2019. Etsy's daily page views per million, and share price each remain double their pre-pandemic numbers.
(Source: The Business Of Business)

02. Enhanced Credibility:

First impressions matter. A professionally designed website adds credibility to your brand's credibility and leaves a lasting positive impression on visitors. Your website serves as a digital business card, showcasing your expertise, achievements, and customer testimonials.

° Quality Reference:

When it comes to credibility, the design and appearance of a website play a crucial role. According to a study conducted by the Persuasion Technology Lab at Stanford University, the "design look" was identified as the most significant factor (46.1%) contributing to the believability of websites.
(Source: CookAndSchmid.com)

° Fun Fact:

Websites with real testimonials are more likely to increase sales by 34%
(Source: VWO)

° Case Study:

2007: Growth was slow at first. The company was making around $8,000 a month.
2008: Shopify's website and content emphasized ease of use and offered helpful tips. Shopify saw their customers' success in their own bottom line. The company was now doing $60,000 in MRR at this point.
2013: Shopify unveiled a major platform redesign, Shopify 2, that included over 60 new features.
Conclusion: Shopify has grown tremendously since its launch in 2006, with over 1.7 million businesses in more than 175 countries using its platform as of 2021.
(Source: ProductsHabits.com)
03. Marketing and Branding Opportunities

Customer Convenience Image

Nigerians Knows Branding As "Packaging" In Pidgin.

A website should provide a central hub for all your digital marketing efforts. From social media integration to email campaigns, it's the perfect platform to strengthen your brand story, image and engage with your audience.

° Quality Reference:

80% of customers remember a video they've watched in the last month. One of the biggest strengths of video marketing is that it's highly visual and auditory, which means it's easier for many users to remember than text-based content. When customers remember your video marketing content, they also remember your brand, which translates to more sales and leads for you. What's more, customers typically like to share videos they enjoy, which can expand your online reach.
(Source: Forbes)

° Fun Fact:

Visual content is 40 times more likely to be shared on social media than other types of content.
(Source: Buffer)

° Case Study:

People love seeing (and sharing) positive interactions between brands and real people. Answering a complaint on social media can increase customer advocacy by as much as 25%.
(Source: Buffer.com)

04. Customer Convenience:

Customer Convenience Image

4 GIFs Of Customer Convenience.

Your website becomes a one-stop-shop for information about your business, reducing the need for customers to search elsewhere. Features like online booking or purchasing can enhance user convenience. Simplify the customer journey. A well-organized website serves as a central hub, providing all necessary information and enabling online transactions.

° Quality Reference:

82% of consumers visit a company's website or conduct online research before making a purchase.
(Source: Forbes)

° Fun Fact:

Forrester Research reveals that 93% of online experiences begin with a search engine. Having a website ensures that your business is discoverable during these critical moments.
(Source: Illuminationconsulting.com)

° Case Study:

97% of all the applicants Zappos asked, 'agreed' or 'agreed strongly' that they've had a positive experience when they first completed Zappos' new online application experience.
( Source: Haver.com)
In 2011, Zappos scored the highest in customer satisfaction among online retailers in the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI). The company's customer-centric approach and dedication to going above and beyond for customers contributed to its success and positive reputation.

The Wrong Reasons:

01. Just Because Everyone Else Has One:

Always Strive To Be Different

While having a website is essential, doing it simply because your competitors have one without a clear strategy is a wrong motivation. Your website should align with your business goals and unique selling propositions.

° Tip:

Ensure your website stands out by highlighting what makes your brand special. Craft a distinctive online identity that sets your brand apart.

° High-Quality Reference:

Harvard Business Review warns against blindly following industry trends without a solid strategy. A website should align with your unique business goals and offerings rather than mimic competitors.
(Source: Harvard Business Review)

02. Ignoring Mobile Responsiveness:

Mobile and desktop mode should always be optimized

Neglecting the mobile user experience is a critical mistake. With a growing number of users accessing websites via mobile devices, a non-responsive site can turn potential customers away.

° Fun Fact:

According to Google, 61% of users are unlikely to return to a site on mobile if they had trouble accessing it, and 40% visit a competitor's site instead.
Statista reports that in the first quarter 2021, 54.8% of all website traffic worldwide was generated through mobile phones.
(Source: Ocean5Strategies.com)

03. Ignoring SEO Best Practices:

Keep SEO in mind

A beautiful website is only effective if people can find it. Ignoring search engine optimization (SEO) can result in poor visibility on search engine results pages.

° Fun Fact:

Websites on the first page of Google search results receive 91.5% of all organic traffic.
(Source: WebFX)


Investing in a website for your brand or business is a smart move when driven by the right reasons. A well-designed website not only enhances your online presence but also contributes to your overall business success. Avoiding common pitfalls and aligning your website strategy with your business goals will ensure a powerful and effective online presence with NeXusCrew.io. Contact us today, and let's build your digital future together.

AUTHOR : Akpokere Emuejevoke

As a passionate tech enthusiast, I love exploring and sharing insights on tech related topics on here and With a background in so many fields, I strive to make complex concepts accessible and engaging for readers. I believe in the power of continuous learning and aim to inspire others through thought-provoking content.
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